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Cardiology at Prague Body Clinic is primarily a preventive diagnostic field dealing with heart examination. We emphasize early diagnosis and prevention, including the search for risk factors, i.e. high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and others.
We focus on regular inspections and checks of active people, athletes and work-stressed clients, especially under the influence of stress factors. We offer an individual and personal approach in a discreet and private environment. Care will be provided primarily by doctors from the clinical workplace with which we cooperate.


  • Examination by a specialist (according the indication)

  • Preventive examinations by a specialist - cardiologist

  • Interdisciplinary evaluation and proposal of an individual plan within the membership

  • Regular examinations of athletes, including EKG and echocardiography

  • Resting 12-lead ECG

  • Echocardiography

  • Exercise ECG


Jan se ve své vědecké činnosti primárně zaměřuje na kritické stavy - srdeční zástavu, extrakorporální resuscitaci, ECMO reperfuzi, kardiogenní šok, mechanické srdeční podpory, unloading levé komory, mikrocirkulaci, ale zabývá se i chronickým srdečním selháním a preventivní kardiologií.

prof. MUDr. Jan Bělohlávek, PhD.

In his scientific work, Jan primarily focuses on critical conditions - cardiac arrest, extracorporeal resuscitation, ECMO reperfusion, cardiogenic shock, mechanical heart support, left ventricular unloading, microcirculation, but he also deals with chronic heart failure and preventive cardiology.



DOCK in Five

Menclova 2538/2, 180 00

Praha 8 – Libeň

Pondělí - Pátek

7:00 - 19:00

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