Tick-borne encephalitis
The infection occurs mainly by sucking on an infected tick, less often by consuming raw milk, unpasteurized dairy products from infected animals. The infection is transmitted as soon as two hours after being bitten by an infected tick.
An endangered group
Unvaccinated individuals are a vulnerable group.
Incubation period
1-2 weeks, max. 4 weeks
It often occurs in two phases, but it also happens in one phase or without symptoms. The first phase usually lasts 3-5 days, manifests itself uncharacteristically - muscle and joint pain, increased temperature, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite. After a few days of improvement, the second phase can come - already developed inflammation of the brain and meninges. High fever, neck stiffness, severe headaches, vomiting, photophobia appear. Other symptoms include tremors, dizziness, disorientation. In severe cases, limb or respiratory muscle paralysis occurs. Long-lasting or permanent consequences can be, for example, chronic headaches, sleep disorders, concentration disorders, depression, tremors, balance disorders or limb muscle paralysis.
The treatment is only symptomatic, the most suitable protection is vaccination. However, ticks also transmit diseases against which we do not have vaccinations, so it is important to protect yourself not only when walking in nature.
Contribution of the insurance company
contribution up to CZK 2,100 according to the insurance company
Vaccination schedule
After the 3rd dose, protection is expected for 3 years.
1st dose preferably in the winter months, second dose 1-3 months after the first dose, 3rd dose 5-12 months after the second dose
1st re-vaccination 3 years after the 1st vaccination, the second and every subsequent re-vaccination every 5 years (for persons over 60 years re-vaccination every 3 years)
Contraindications – hypersensitivity to the medicinal substance, any auxiliary substance or to production residues, cross-allergy to aminoglycosides other than neomycin and gentamicin
Furthermore, hypersensitivity to egg and chicken proteins
Vaccination must be postponed if the person suffers from a moderate or severe acute illness (with or without fever)
We vaccinate
We only vaccinate people over the age of 18.
The name of the vaccine
Meningokok B
In the Czech Republic, the frequency of infections is lower, but the mortality rate is relatively high. Transmission is by droplet infection.
An endangered group
Children under 5, young people aged 15-25 and travelers are most at risk.
Incubation period
3-4 days with a range of 1-10 days
Symptoms include high fever, severe headache and joint pain, followed by drowsiness, confusion, stiff neck, clouded consciousness, and bleeding into the skin followed by tissue death.
The most suitable protection is vaccination and elimination of risk factors (stress, smoking, unhealthy lifestyle, large accumulation of people in closed spaces).
Contribution of the insurance company
contribution up to CZK 3,600 according to the insurance company
Vaccination schedule
Two doses at least 1 month apart.
We vaccinate
We only vaccinate people over the age of 18.
The name of the vaccine
We offer options for standard vaccinations as well as vaccinations for traveling abroad.