Diagnosis and prevention of civilization diseases, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, risk of cardiovascular diseases, thyroid dysfunction, prevention of cancer, post-covid prevention.
The aim of the consultation and examination is to find the risk of possible diseases, or their partial factors, and consequently specific therapeutic and preventive strategies are recommended.
Interventions include lifestyle changes in addition to medication treatment
– modification of eating habits, regular physical activity, controlled alcohol consumption or quitting smoking. Determination of cardiovascular risk and other diseases is therefore important.
We focus on educating patients on the issue of civilization diseases and their risk factors. Patients are motivated to actively participate in the care of their health, with the aim of ensuring the highest possible quality of life.
Control examination
Comprehensive programs and packages
Individual preventive program
Examination of civilizational diseases
high blood pressure, risk of cardiovascular events, diabetes
Examination of the function of the thyroid gland
Exclusion of ongoing inflammation, examination of immunity
Vitamin therapy
Post-covid prevention
At the Prague Body Clinic, you can make an appointment with an internist for adults at any time, whenever possible within the time and capacity of the clinic.
On your first visit at Prague Body Clinic, it is advisable to undergo an initial medical examination. The aim of this examination is to find out your current state of health and to acquaint the doctor with your family history, illnesses and injuries.
During the initial medical examination, a general examination of your state of health is carried out. The latest vaccinations are also checked, urine, vision, hearing, weight and blood pressure are measured and an EKG is recorded and described. The examination also includes blood sampling, which is carried out in our clinic.
Before the initial examination, it is important to arrive at the appointed time, on an empty stomach (after consultation with the doctor), and with a bottle of morning urine (in a washed container). You should bring your current health documentation or medical reports (if you have one), vaccination certificate (if you have one) and also the medical devices you normally use (glasses, hearing aids, etc.). Since the entrance examination takes a long time, it is important to reserve enough time.
Obesity / weight loss
Fatigue syndrome, weakness
Immunity disorder, repeated infections
Eating disorders
Palpitations, breathing difficulties